Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm still here...promise!!

Ok, so I disappeared for a while (if you wanna call it that...a Long while). Truth: I got lazy. I'm not superhuman or perfect. The summer made me SO lazy. And then I wonder - 'WHY?' Why do I ever stop? Why do I just snack all of the time sometimes? Why do I seem to just NOT care at times?

It was rough over the spring and summer. I didn't have a job, I was in school but only taking one class (that I didn't even need to go, I didn't really go at all), and so I was left with Nothing to do most of my days...besides my chores that I do all of the time, reading, movies, etc. ok I maybe worked out 10 times total over the 'summer' time period. TERRIBLE. 

I am extremely happy to say, however, that I am back in school (full time), with a lot of homework to do most every day,  looking for a job, dancing, doing choreography and lots of makeup, making earrings, AND have been going to the gym almost every day for the past month. It's definitely better (for me) to get in a workout every day when I have a schedule and things that need to get done every day. I really enjoy having packed days - during the week - and then being able to mostly relax over the weekend. It helps me stay on track, get all of my good meals in, and work out daily.

Starting tomorrow (Monday) I am starting (AND FINISHING) P90X again. It's got to be a part of life. No more laziness. No more excuses. It's time to suck it up and P90X it up. I have lost so much more muscle over the past 6 months (+) than I'd like to admit, and it is driving me Insane! I know I can finish the 90 days. and I will have a plan for the time after I finish. I have been doing pretty well with the eating most days, but now it's time to kick it up a notch. 

This past year has been really rough on me...emotionally and financially, and I have so much drive right now, that I need to put all of my anger/stress/sad/crazy INTO this next 90 days. It will be hard. I won't want to work out some days. But I am going to do it. and I will come out stronger on the other side of this 90 days! 

If you're sitting on the couch right now, drinking a pop, just being lazy, thinking about 'why don't I do something to help myself?' ..... then get up. put the junk food down. and DO something. anything. I know I've said it before and have sort of failed in a sense, but I am BACK. with a vengeance (against my gained fat and past laziness). TIME. TO. BRING. IT. WHO'S WITH ME!?

- Court

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