Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today's the day...

...the day that will make or break this P90X motivation scale - Yoga X day. In the past (like, the last THREE times I've tried to start up P90X again) I always seem to miss yoga day. Then I say to myself, 'Oh, I'll just double it up with Kenpo on Saturday, no big deal' - WRONG. And it has been every time I've tried restarting! A little ridiculous...

BUT - I am feeling much better/more motivated this time around. And my sociology class was canceled I have a lot more time. haha. The biggest problem I've had with talking myself up to do yoga is that it is just so dang long! I mean, an hour and a half - and a good 45 minutes at least are downward dogs. Which, I will say, hasn't bothered me as much after my first round of P90X. But still, 1.5 hours....a good chunk out of a busy day, right? I find that if I will just focus on what I'm doing it actually goes by a lot faster. 

If you don't have the time....I would just say don't skip the whole thing. Maybe don't do all of the many downward dogs or warriors (or, if you're not an advanced yoga-er, skip some of the more difficult poses). One other thing you could take out (if you did Ab Ripper X the day before...which normally you would if you had a strength day), is the Yoga Belly part...remember - you shouldn't work your abs (really hard) every day. So if you're short on time, I wouldn't stress over that part. 

Ok here are the before pictures I took on Monday (and I haven't missed a workout thus far. yay!)

Have a wonderful day everyone! Work hard, take breaks when you need to, and do NOT overdo it
Be good to your body, and I've learned that it will return the favor.


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