Saturday, July 30, 2011


I missed a few days of blogging! so now we are done with day 5! i actually missed my Yoga X yesterday, but i'm going to double it up with Kenpo, today's workout. 

So today was Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X. i'm gonna be totally honest here...legs & back has never been my favorite (i think it's partly because you do this one EVERY week - except recovery week). but the thing is, my legs are always needing the most butt kicking! after i finished this time, however, i just felt so awesome! i was focused and got into it and i was just there. and i made my workout count! woo hoo! 

PS - i usually do ab ripper x BEFORE i do my big workout. why? i am just so much more exhausted after i finish the main workout, and a lot of the time it's easier to talk myself out of doing ab ripper altogether. so i do it before. and man it gets me warm! then i get into the main workout of the day....just a little FYI

OK - so i promised some motivational helps a few days ago! here they are finally! this can get kinda tricky, staying motivated. but, here are some of the things that help me...

1 - set goals. in my case, i create a table with all of my stats (measurements, including my weight and BMI) and i have a "Before" and "After" section on that table. i record all of my measurements on day 1 and then i have the 'after' section blank - until i finish the 90 days. it helps me want to work so i will see a change in those numbers from before to after. (i also have 2 'checkpoint' measurement days to help keep me on track...ya know 'if i can make a whole month, i can make two....and now that i've made it two months, i can finish this sucker!!' )

2 - USE YOUR WORKSHEETS (if you're doing P90X....if not, you could still do something similar...). i find the worksheets help me to stay motivated. i get to see the progress that i make throughout the weeks, can be kinda fun! (even though, i know, it can seem tedious at the time....DO IT!)

3 - work out with a, my workout partner has given up (hahaha it's just my sister....ha). so i haven't really had a workout partner for a while. but i just pretend Tony is my workout buddy, and i make it through! it can be a lot easier to get your workout in each day if you are motivating each other and having fun working out together, seeing each other's progress, trying to beat each see where this is going...? 

4 - make a calendar. with all of your workouts on it. TYPE THEM IN. you can also write them in, but i feel like it's more...permanent...when it's typed up all nice. non-negotiable -- it's on the calendar, gotta do it!! then, once you finish the workout, cross it out somehow. this time around, i decided to black out the entire calendar day when i finish. whether you know it now or not, once that calendar is fully crossed out, you feel SO awesome. seriously, if you don't have a calendar, MAKE ONE. now. go do it. 

i hope these help you guys out a little bit, and wherever you are, whatever kind of shape you are in, remember to take care of your body. and it will be good to you in return. :) now.....GO KICK SOME TRASH! 

until next time X lovers......Court

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