Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 1: Done.

What did i learn from day 1 (Chest & Back +Ab Ripper X) of P90X?.....

Today was a struggle...if that's what we want to call it....it was rough. i have found that P90X should be more like P[lifetime]X. taking time off...i mean, A LOT of time off...NOT GOOD. (in combination with throwing diet out the window...even if it was just for 10 days). trust me on this one.

this is my personal opinion: working out (plus eating healthy) needs to be a part of life. a priority. in your schedule. on the calendar. non-negotiable. even if it isn't P90X, just SOMETHING. excuses and procrastination are deadly. don't listen to your body's tiredness (not all of the time, sometimes you should). think about it. what are your goals? why did you even start doing this? Tony Horton says something like "this ain't some silly little thing you start onto. this is serious".

whenever possible, fit your workout into your early day. (sometimes, finishing a workout earlier in the day somehow feels like i accomplished more...which i suppose is possible - i'm probably more tired later at night. that makes sense, right?)

another thing - CONSISTENCY. a lot of the time i get frustrated with my body. 'why am i still looking the same?' and 'i've been eating pretty well lately' - 'shouldn't i be seeing more of a change?'
when you ask these things, think about: 

  • have i actually completed all of my workouts throughout the past month? (how to stay motivated? coming up in the next post!!)
  • have i been focused during my workouts? (YES, it matters if you're just going through the motions)
  • am i drinking enough water? EVERY DAY. (this one, important. remember, the majority of our bodies is made up of water!! get those 8-8 oz. glasses per day - AT LEAST)
  • am i getting enough GOOD sleep? (that one, i struggle with. but do your best to get a good 8 hours each night. you'll be more energetic and productive throughout your day - sleep time should also be on a consistent schedule)

ALL of these factors should be considered when looking at your progress. and if you do realize you've struggled in a few areas, stop. reflect. revamp and really think about your body as you go though the next month. you get out of your body what you put into and give it.

i was thinking that this would be more of a review of the actual workout, but this happened instead. had some thoughts...figured it would be best and most productive to at least share them with you all :) however, i will do reviews of the day throughout the next few weeks (PLUS yummy recipes!) so keep an eye out!!

until next time P90X lovers.....Court

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